Meet Our Company, Hear Our Story
The Idea Came From an Actual Dream, and is Definitely What They Call A “Divine Intervention”

How it Started
Bobbi-Toads was founded quite-literally from a dream. One Chicago man had a dream in which he was told to invent these paintable sneakers for kids, what to call them, and to give back to a specific charity with the profits.Having been a printer his entire life, this dream was obscure to say the least. However, right after having the dream upon returning to work at the print shop, he saw they were working on a job for a new customer: the charity from in his dream, Our Lady of the Angels, one that he’d never heard of before that. At that moment, it was clear he was to turn his dream into a reality.
Who We Are
In 2012, Bob Stanley and his daughter, Jacki, started this company and turned his dream into reality. Bobbi-Toads is dedicated to being a company with a conscience by offering eco-friendly and cruelty-free products that are safe for kids, and by giving back to charities that enrich the community.Bobbi-Toads and the Stanley family donate shoes, money, and time back to the community and across the country: going to children’s hospitals’ oncology units to decorate shoes and do activities with the kids, hosting events with inner-city underprivileged children, and donating to those who have been affected by natural disasters.
Watch the video to hear the entire story and mission!